Sunday, March 9, 2014

destination Upstart Bay

We were well rested when we headed off (again). The winds were variable, seas 0.7 with a swell less than 1.5. Good stuff, but not enough breeze for Manatee to sail. We were abeam the infamous Abbot Point mid morning.

coal loading jetty at Abbot Point

Despite this massive coal loader (hardly utilised at this stage) we saw abundant marine life - whales, mahi mahi, a turtle and a shark.

Upstart Bay is about 40nm NW of Bowen and is a delta of creeks and rivers with holiday houses lining many shores. We arrived 1540 and tried many spots prior to finding our anchorage for the night. Manatee was clearly eager to continue her journey as she danced over her anchor chain all night.

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