Monday, May 27, 2013

Hello Hexham

We arrived at Hexham Island at 1315hrs after managing to ride with the tide which moves NE at around 3 kts.
Hexham is a beautiful but rugged island with sparkly clear water and a very enticing beach.

Beautiful beach and as it is National Park, Jacki has been photo shopped on!

We all swam and walked 'till our hearts were content. We went for a dinghy ride and saw huge turtles, fish leapt and we thought if we were braver snorkeling would be amazing.
'river pebbles' on the beach
The sunset was exquisite.
It was very rolly in the bay overnight but the night sky without the impact of any human-made light was magical.

What a difference coming from croc creek with its murky waters to this magnificent spot!

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